
Here, you'll find a curated collection of articles, videos, and educational materials designed to empower and inform individuals with differences, their families, and healthcare providers. Whether you're seeking guidance on accessible technologies or looking for tips on navigating daily challenges, our resources offer valuable insights to support your journey.

Displaying results 61 - 72 of 101

Dr. Jean-Michel Gracies

International Neurotoxin Association Event

Mental Health & the Holidays

An outline of a brain with a heart in it

Seeking Human Kindness This Holiday Season

Homeless man in subway station holding a sign that says, "Seeking Human Kindness." The photo is in black & white.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Internatinal Day of Persons with Disabilities logo

Reflections on My 10th Anniversary of Being Seizure Free by Alexandra Nicklas

During our freshFACES event, Alexandra Nicklas was gracious enough to  share her story as a patient speaker, below is the speech she gave. See the  FACES holiday issue for a full recap of freshFACES!

World Sight Day

Image of an eye test chart which is blurry. There are black reading glasses superimposed on the image and through those lenses the letters L, D, P, and the number 4 can be seen.

Say What? Hearing Loss is on the Rise

Image of cartoon head in a square shape. The image is done in shades of blue and green. The ear is prominent signaling hearing loss.

A Guide to Flying for People with Disabilities

Image of inside airplane window showing a birds eye view of undisclosed land and water below; it is angled and the airplane wing and engine is also featured. The sky in the photo is in daytime mode and there are several cirrus clouds floating.

Dr. Jessi Sigander

Image of a woman leaning against a bridge railing. She is wearing a green sweater with black floral print and smiling.

Lindsey Metselaar

Image of a woman with brown hair in a ponytail smiling/smirking at the camera. She is wearing a navy button down shirt that has pink flowers on it.  She is wearing silver bracelets on her right arm, which is poised ever so slightly in an upward manner, while leaning on a navy chair.