What Achievements Are You Most Proud Of, and How Have They Shaped Your Journey?

Just being someone with a disability who has overcome and accomplished a lot is what I am most proud of. It has not been an easy journey. My persistence, determination and motivation, is what got me to where I am socially and academically. 

I was very fortunate to have had an opportunity to attend college and graduate school. Graduating college and pursuing graduate studies, however, was an accomplishment that I worked very hard for. I had to put in many extra hours to keep up with my studies and grades. 

Starting Different and Able has had its challenges but I continue to navigate these challenges to help Different and Able grow and be successful. Although I will always have cognitive difficulties that will impact my daily functioning, I have been fortunate to learn strategies to overcome my cognitive difficulties. 

It takes a village. I would not be where I am today without the help and support of my parents, doctors, teachers and therapists along the way. 

Let me know what achievements you are most proud of on your journey.