How is multiple sclerosis diagnosis?
There is not a specific test that is used to determine if an individual has multiple sclerosis or not. In order to diagnose someone with multiple sclerosis, a doctor will first rule out any other diagnosis that may be responsible for the symptoms. They will also look to see if they can locate damaged spots on the brain and determine the damage has been caused at different points in time.
To determine if the brain has been damaged and when the damage has taken place, doctors will use different techniques and tools, such as a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An MRI may be ordered so a doctor can closely examine the brain and spinal cord. A spinal tap may also be given to test the fluids in the spinal cord.
Another test is an Electrical nerve test, which can be used to test how well the different senses are working. Also, blood tests can be used to help a doctor come to a patient’s diagnosis. Though these tests do not definitely tell the doctor if multiple sclerosis is present, it can help make the determination.
Determining if an individual has multiple sclerosis or not can take some time. It is important to talk to your doctor and express any concerns or questions that may arise.