The American with Disabilities Act
The American with Disabilities Act is a federal civil rights law that was created to help prevent individuals with disabilities from being discriminated against. The ADA ensures that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as individuals...
Before Alexandra founded Different & Able, she had to overcome some of her own differences.
As a child, Alexandra had difficulty with fine and gross motor skills, her speech was delayed and she had learning difficulties. To overcome her physical weaknesses, Alexandra participated in occupational and physical therapy.
To accelerate her speech and language skills, Alexandra worked with a speech therapist. Finally, when school became hard to keep up with on her own, she worked with a neuropsychologist, focusing on skills to succeed in the classroom. Alexandra persevered with the help of her parents

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Women with Disabilities – Pregnancy Challenges: Accessible Equipment and Facilities: Overcoming Physical Barriers
On Sunday, January 5th, Different & Able invited a group of fifteen people from the fabulous Invictus Bakery in Brooklyn, NY to join us at the NYC Ballet for a sensory friendly performance of The Nutcracker. Afterwards, we went for a delicious lunch...
Different & Able Sees The Nutcracker

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