Boy in wheel chair, blind man on bench, boy with hearing aid, woman doing sign language

Our Mission

At Different and Able, we aim to show how everyone has unique capabilities and strengths to be celebrated.  We are a community of friends, families, and individuals who are living with differences. We offer practical information from our collection of professionals and share inspiring true stories that showcase the incredible unique talents of our community.  Over the years, people have written, been interviewed and been asked some of the hardest questions faced among people and caregivers of the disability community. 

We know how difficult finding support and a community is. That is why Different and Able was created. We welcome you to join our community. Be informed. Be inspired. 


The American with Disabilities Act 

The American with Disabilities Act is a federal civil rights law that was created to help prevent individuals with disabilities from being discriminated against. The ADA ensures that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as individuals...

Growing up, I had to overcome some of my own differences...
Alexandra Nicklas // President & Founder

Before Alexandra founded Different & Able, she had to overcome some of her own differences.

As a child, Alexandra had difficulty with fine and gross motor skills, her speech was delayed and she had learning difficulties. To overcome her physical weaknesses, Alexandra participated in occupational and physical therapy.

To accelerate her speech and language skills, Alexandra worked with a speech therapist. Finally, when school became hard to keep up with on her own, she worked with a neuropsychologist, focusing on skills to succeed in the classroom. Alexandra persevered with the help of her parents

A photo of Alexandra Nicklas

Featured Story

Image of Chad Hymas. He is sitting in a wheel chair in a white dress shirt and brown pants, who is bald. The background is a lighted stage, as he is presenting as a motivational speaker. Chad is wearing an over the ear microphone.
Featured Story

Our Interview with Chad Hymas

In 2001, at the age of 27, Chad Hymas’ life changed in an instant when a 2,000-pound bale of hay shattered his neck, leaving him a quadriplegic. But Chad’s dreams were not paralyzed that day—he became an example of what is possible. Chad is a best...

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